Happy book birthday, everyone! Today is the release of our 19th book together. How did that even happen?? For those of you who have been with us since Bennett and the conference room, THANK YOU! For those of you who are just finding our books now, LET US HUG YOU!  We couldn’t do any of this without you.

Marriages of convenience are so . . . inconvenient.

Rescued by Calvin McLoughlin from a would-be subway attacker, Holland Bakker pays the brilliant musician back by pulling some of her errand-girl strings and getting him an audition with a bigtime musical director. When the tryout goes better than even Holland could have imagined, Calvin is set for a great entre into Broadway—until he admits his student visa has expired and he’s in the country illegally.

Holland impulsively offers to wed the Irishman to keep him in New York, her growing infatuation a secret only to him. As their relationship evolves from awkward roommates to besotted lovers, Calvin becomes the darling of Broadway. In the middle of the theatrics and the acting-not-acting, what will it take for Holland and Calvin to realize they both stopped pretending a long time ago?

Purchase it today
