Our Sweet Filthy Boy is here!

Sweet Filthy Boy is out now, and the reviews are pouring in. In fact, we’re thrilled to announce that it was given the Seal of Excellence by RT Book Reviews!


“New Adult and erotica are both genres I enjoy reading as I’ve often watched a bit of m porn it’s not something I’m embarrassed about, but, to me, they often feel firmly entrenched in the world of fantasy. And while Sweet Filthy Boy has its fair share of fantasy — the hot, hot, soooo hot Frenchman who chases after our heroine, the summer in Paris — there are also so many real moments as Mia strives to find her footing post-graduation. Her struggles were relatable and brought me back to those days of confusion and worry, though there certainly was no Ansel to help me out. Another treat, Lauren’s plot is delightfully unpredictable, so just when you think you know how everything will play out, they’ll show you how very wrong you were.” — Elissa Petruzzi

“Not gonna lie, I didn’t love the Beautiful Bastard series up until Beautiful Player, and even that story didn’t satisfy me like Sweet Filthy Boy. Laurens’ talent is on full display in this novel, and while the plot seems like a ridiculous fantasy come true, it was executed perfectly. Mia is a heroine who, although she comes from a privileged background, struggles navigating life post-college. Like many NA heroines, Mia had the potential to have a lot of problems that aren’t really problems (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this), but as soon as she steps on the plane with Ansel, everything starts to fall apart in a spectacularly hilarious way. I cringed, I sympathized and I completely fell in love with Ansel and Mia.” —Elisa Verna

Sweet Filthy Boy is absolutely irresistible — and it’s Christina Lauren’s best book yet. While the writing team behind Lauren first hit the bestseller lists with their Twilight fanfic-based Beautiful Bastard series, Sweet Filthy Boy proves beyond all doubt that — though there’s no shame in the fanfic game — these writers have so much more to offer. Sweet Filthy Boyis one of the freshest, funniest and most emotionally authentic erotic romances I’ve ever read. Oh, and there’s no shortage of (extremely) hot sex. While Mia and Ansel’s chemistry is off the charts, it’s the believability of the conflict between them that sold me on their relationship. I can’t wait to see what else this sweet, filthy team has planned.” — Regina Small

Sweet Filthy Boy is one of those rare erotic romances that actually feels like it could happen to you or to one of your best girlfriends. With it, the team behind Christina Lauren shrugs off the “Twific” moniker and catapults into sweet, filthy stardom. Ansel and Mia sizzle but, more than that, they resonate as two young people who turn a hookup’s “morning after” into a summer-long exploration of relationships, commitment and following your dreams. Add to that strong, hilariously authentic friendships between Mia and her best friends, Lola and Harlow, and you’ve got a winning opener to a must-read series.” — Mala Bhattacharjee

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