Comic Con 2012!

It’s time for our annual Comic Con wrap-up! aka why Lo and Christina are exhausted and totally scatterbrained this week.

First – and most importantly – we got to squeeze each other…


Next,  Hall H.

We saw this…

in. person.

And this…

*homer drool*

Stood in lines just like this…

got to hang with our AdoraAgent Holly Root and meet some our amazing agent-mates… (some of which were already in their jammies)

Lauren Billings, Alison Cherry, Victoria Schwab, Christina Hobbs, Holly Root, Rae Carson and Myra McEntire. #TEAMROOT

Silliness ensued…

don’t ask.
there’s no “not crazy” explanation for this.

tessa loves our edward prop, clearly.

Lo organized an amazing What’s Hot in YA panel…

standing room only FTW

L to R: Nathan Bransford (best.moderator.ever.), Leigh Bardugo, Myra McEntire, Scott Westerfeld, Melina Marchetta, Lish McBride, Tahereh Mafi, Kami Garcia, James Dashner (who Lo did not get nearly enough time to fangirl. sigh.)

followed by an amazeballs signing.

Loved on so many wonderful people… (some of which we didn’t get pictures of *cries*)

Learned that Myra and Christina have no poker face…

And basically had the most fabulous time ever.
