Swoontini Interview: LAUREN OLIVER!

Hello Swoonies!! We are so happy that you’re joining us for our interview with the AMAZING LAUREN OLIVER! *crowd roars* Squee! When I told PQ that Lauren had agreed to be interviewed, I’ll admit there were some shouty caps in the text message. That may be true a lot between us, but these were SHOUTY shouty caps. You feel me? Also, HELLO PRETTY COVER! *pets*

Expected Publication Oct 2012


Hi Lauren! (Awesome name, even better initials, BTW *high fives*) Thanks for coming to Swoontini!! Lo says: I read DELERIUM last year on a plane trip, listening to music and now every time I hear those songs, I immediately go back to that feeling of STRESS-SWOON-STRESS. Do you write to music?
LO: Actually, I don’t! I find music is so evocative for me, it really affects the tone of my writing in ways that feel inauthentic. But I definitely listen to music to get me in the MOOD to right sometimes.

Tell us about Teenage Lauren. What current books would she be devouring? What characters would have her swooning and cheering?
LO: I think I would have loved the Hunger Games as a teenager—just as I loved it now! In my early teens, I read a lot of Jane Austen, and dreamed of being projected back in time. So some of the great historical series out there right now would have made me very happy. I also think, later on, I would have really devoured all of the dystopian series. I was quite angsty!

You travel a LOT for readings and signings. In the past year, what has been your favorite new place to explore & meet readers?
LO: My trip to Australia and the Philippines was simply amazing; the readers were avid and enthusiastic, and the landscapes were simply stunning, and so different from what I see in my part of the world!

Your website is GORGEOUS. We admit we have not yet read LIESL AND PO, but after researching for this interview, we are DYING to read it ASAP. It has fans and critics raving. And, coming this fall, THE SPINDLERS! What is your favorite MG book? How easy/hard is it to transition between MG voice and YA voice?
LO: Thank you! I love to write MG; I don’t think I consciously process the “switch” in voices, in so far as every book, every new project, requires a slightly different voice. My favorite middle grade author is probably Roald Dahl; his use of language alone sets him apart for me.

Loved your post on letting your characters deal with sustained conflict. It’s actually something we struggle with – that is, how to make a character deal with conflict without making the conflict-inducers unforgivable. What are some books you think manage this well?
LO: Well the Harry Potter books are a good example because although obviously Voldemort’s actions are totally unforgivable, the person who is actually putting him through most of the conflict is Dumbledore. Rowling is very good at showing why his actions were so necessary, why poor Harry had to suffer so much.

Oh, such a perfect example. We’re trying to figure out HOW you manage to write both as much and as lyrically as you do – you are releasing two books a year! What do you do in your free time? DO YOU HAVE FREE TIME?
LO: Haha! I don’t have a ton of free time, but I do definitely carve out space to relax—it’s so necessary! I’m just extremely, extremely disciplined when it comes to my writing. But when I’m not writing, I like to read (of course), eat, cook, spend time with friends and family, watch the History Channel, and shop! Oh, and go running, dancing, do pilates, take a hike…pretty much anything physical.


Favorite meal: can’t choose!

When you were 14, your favorite song was:Both Hands, by Ani DiFranco [Lo says: Oh. My. God. I love that song with the passion of the burning sun #hyperbole #butreally]

A night out with the Game of Thrones cast or a quiet night in with your best friends? A night in with my best friends…watching the Game of Thrones.

A movie you’ve watched over and over: The Princess Bride

all the swoons.

Popcorn Jelly Bellys are delicious or disgusting? I hate Jelly Belly’s! [Lo says: WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE? Seriously, it’s like everyone on this planet has had some strange procedure to remove their ability to love and enjoy Jelly Bellys.]

Thanks so much for joining us!! We can’t wait for THE SPINDLERS and OF COURSE the resolution to the Delerium Trilogy, REQUIEM!!
