Swoontini Interview: BRODI ASHTON


Did you have a happy Easter? DID YOU EAT ALL OF THE CHOCOLATE? We… Actually we did not. But that is only so that we can fit into our skin-tight Centaur costume for Comic Con! We know at least one person is laughing right  now while remembering the Centaur in 2011. He was amazing but THIS YEAR SHALL BE OUR TIME TO SHINE! See our costume sketch?

You can understand why NO THE CHOCOLATE FOR US, right?

SO HEY! Guess who is here?? … waits… Oh, right, you read the title! Smarties.YES, we have the amazeballs author of EVERNEATHBrodi Ashton – and let me tell you, you want to go out and get her book RIGHT.NOW. It has it all: Greek mythology tied into a fantastic plot, with angst and swoons and TWO HOT BOYS. Plus the best cover in just about forever. Just sayin.

Lo says: I’m always fascinated by books that manage to convey emotional responses well even when the protagonist (narrator) is pretty flat emotionally. EVERNEATH is an example of this, at least at the beginning of the book when Nikki is just coming back to the Surface. We still have a good sense of what Jack is feeling. Was that hard to write, or did you find that it was easy to communicate Jack’s feelings through his reactions to her?

Brodi Ashton: Actually, Jack’s feelings were the one thing I seemed to have a handle on in the book. It was Nikki’s feelings that left me flummoxed. Yes, her emotions had been drained, but she was getting them back slowly throughout the book. Conveying that transformation was very difficult for me.

How *we* see Jack. mmmmm...

Lo & C: Tell us about teenage Brodi. Which of today’s books would she be devouring?
BA: Oh my heck, ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS. Teenage Brodi would’ve eaten that up, and daydreamed about St. Clair during her boring math class.

Lo & C: Okay you’re officially Adorablest Ever with your OH MY HECK and *high fives* for the St. Clair swoons. Come here and cuddle, and tell us about the first time you signed a copy of EVERNEATH at an event. How weird/awesome was that??
BA: The first time I signed an ARC of EVERNEATH was at the Paranormal Ball in Las Vegas for the Vegas Valley Book Festival. I was so nervous about signing my name, because I didn’t want to ruin their books! Once, for practice, I signed a book and spelled my name wrong. No lie. It was nerve-wracking.

Lo & C: If you had to pick a best friend from a YA novel, who would it be and what would you guys do for girls night out?
BA: I would pick Zuzana from DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE and I would let her decide our shenanigans for the evening. She seems like fun.

Christina says: She totally does! And…SURPRISE! You have $500 to spend. Do you choose Sephora, Nordstrom, Barnes and Noble, or Disneyland?
BA: Oooh, it’s a real toss up between Barnes and Noble and Disneyland. A serious tie here, folks. I would have to say… Disneyland. I’m a sucker for the Happiest Place on Earth.

YES. I knew we were soulmates.

Lo says: I remember being fascinated with my parents’ books on the Olympians and the Titans when I was young, and I still gravitate toward mythology books today. What is it about mythology that draws in readers of all ages?
BA: I have no idea. My mom used to read to me out of D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, and the stories and pictures left such an impression on my tiny brain. I didn’t realize how strong that impression was until I came up with Nikki’s story and thought about how it had similar themes to Persephone’s.

Lo & C: What is your favorite way to interact with readers?
BA: I love getting emails from readers! I try to answer every one. I also love how easy it is to connect with them on Twitter. Sometimes I wonder what it would’ve been like to have such easy access to authors that readers have today. I would’ve totally tweeted to Madeline L’Engle.

Lo & C: Which are some of your favorite websites to visit when you need giggles, reassurance, or distraction?
BA: Truthfully, when it comes to distraction, I stick to television shows (like Fringe and Justified and Vampire Diaries). When I’m on the computer, I try to do actual work. Sometimes I totally fail, but at least I try!


Favorite scent: Vanilla/Cinnamon
You’re currently reading:
THE SAVAGE GRACE by Bree Despain
Buttered popcorn Jelly Bellys are awesome or repulsive?
Footie jammies for adults are awesome or ridiculous?
Awesome. But my feet are sweating just thinking about it. And it would be mere seconds before I took the kitchen scissors and cut the feet off. I’m claustrophobic like that.
Favorite Muppet
? Animal.

Lo & C: WOOT! YES! And thanks so much for coming to play with us! We were just thrilled to have you, Miss!
BA: Thanks so much for having me!

She is probably one of the sweetest people on Twitter, no lie. Give her a follow and grab her book and leave her some love here! One lucky Swoonie gets a copy of EVERNEATH! Wednesday the ONE AND ONLY Rachel Hawkins will be at Swoontini, and trust us – you do not want to miss this interview.
