2011 Swoontini Awards! Nominate now!

Hi Swoonies! First: a little swoon…


As the end of the year approaches, we both get a litttttttle bit sentimental. (it has nothing to do with the eggnog, we swear) We feel so much gratitude and love toward the YA community – we wanted to do something extra special for all of you. Two of our favorite things on the site are the Swoony Boy and Badass Chick features, and we get emails, tweets, and comments all the time asking us to feature characters from books we have not yet mentioned here. So we thought, WE SHOULD TOTALLY DO A SWOONIEST BOY OF YA 2011 AND MOST BADASS CHICK OF YA 2011! *highfive* No way have we covered all the good ones yet! Tell us who you loved!

[And because we have so much love for you, pretty readers, we figured we’d make it about loving you, too.]

There are TWO chances to win and here’s how it works…

Chance 1: NOMINATE. Tell us who made you swoon and who made you yell YOU GO GIRL. Enter up to THREE names for the Swooniest Boy of 2011 and up to THREE names for the Most Badass Chick of 2011 in the comments below** Everyone who comments will be entered to win this INSANELY. AMAZING. BOOK BUNDLE, that includes: A SIGNED Anna & The French Kiss (hardcover), Shatter Me (hardcover), Hourglass (hardcover), Divergent (hardcover), Unearthly (softcover), SIGNED Nightshade (hardcover), Crossed ARC, Legend ARC, and MORE!! IKR???? WE CAN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!

Nominations will be open until December 15, 2011 at 10pm Pacific.

Chance 2: VOTE!!! We’ll take two days to compile all of the names, and voting will run from December 17-December 30. Cast your votes here, and (drumroll) everyone who votes will be entered to win a brand-spanking-new KINDLE TOUCH! *PARTY TIME*

this is exactly what we're doing. right now. JOIN US.

We truly adore you guys for coming here and reading our silly stuff and loving books as much as we do. We can’t wait to see who Badassed their way into your heart and Swooned you until you were weak in the knees.

**RULES: Characters must be from books published in 2011 and the book must be considered YA. You can define swoon and badass however you want, but if you want some help? The way we define swoony boys: they’re the ones who make you feel like your heart might explode out of your chest, the ones you can’t stop thinking about and literally make you feel lightheaded. Badass chicks are the ones we’d chase down and force to wear matching woven bracelets and beg to be our besties.** 


