We’re not even going to try to be all calm and collected. We can’t pretend!!


After a seriously roller coaster couple of weeks (way way way more awesome than sad), we’ve signed with MAGIC AGENT Holly Root. I KNOW! OMG OMG OMG {breathes into paper bag}. We’ll spare you every minute detail but suffice to say we are thrilled and happy and basically all

We can't even pretend to be cool right now.

She’s fun and saavy and GETS IT. She’s a superstar advocate for her authors, great all over the web, and we are so honored to join her list! And also? She’s super pretty. (Not that that matters, but she totally is.) Anyway, so after all of this went down last week,  I celebrated by eating all of the donuts. I KNOW, I AM SO WILD YOU GUYS.

She’s really amazing, and KindOfOurDreamAgent. She represents Myra McEntire of HOURGLASS fame! And Rae Carson of GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS! And Rachel Hawkins of HEX HALL! And Victoria Schwab of THE NEAR WITCH (I can’t believe I didn’t have this in the first post!) And and and so many other wonderful authors, and NOW US!!

From here we revise and then Holly sends to publishing houses to see if they want to buy our book. And while it all happens, we keep reading and loving books and loving our swoon and LOVING YOU! *pets* *chases you for more pets* Thank you guys for coming with us on this journey. This community makes it fun, and Holly makes it happen. *fingers crossed*!

So, to those of you who come and celebrate the Awesome of Holly, we’re giving away a brand spanking new hardcover copy of HOURGLASS and GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS (one lucky winner for each)! Just comment in the post by Friday and you’re entered! Watch our Twitter because we’ll also have daily TeamRoot giveaways! WHOOHOO!
