Daughter of Smoke and Bone GIVEAWAY!



We had so much fun reading the first kiss tweets! Some were swoony, some were totally awkward, and some were the best of both worlds. Thanks for sharing!

First, some swoon:

NOW, the randomly-selected winner of the signed copy of LIPS TOUCH by Laini Taylor is… Starbright143! This was her tweet:

“At movie theater, he leaned over and whispered, “Can I kiss you?” Lips barely touched the first time, second time was swoony.”

EVERYONE TOGETHER NOW: AWWWWWWWWWW! We LOVED this one and were a little squealy when it was the winner. Almost nothing is more adorable than a boy asking to give a kiss.

Onto our next giveaway:


Yes, you read that right!

Christina is currently reading DoS&B and is therefore ignoring the small pretty Girl Person and the Male “Spouse” Person in her house. This book is my (Lo’s) favorite book so far of 2011, and one of the reasons I loved it so much was the world-building in Prague, the fantasy of Karou’s life, and okay okay okay Akiva. But Brimstone, too! And Zuzana! And Akivaaaahhhhhh! So, pretty much everything.

How do you enter to win? Well, all you need to do is leave a comment to this post with your fantasy self in a book. Who are you, what do you do, and where do you live?

For example:

Lo: In my fantasy book, I am a deadly knife-throwing assassin by night, and by day I am a classically-trained flamenco guitarist living in a flat in bustling Barcelona. (Living alone in the flat. As in, without any Legos to break my feet on or needy cats trying to sleep on my face). Where was I? Ah right: I ignore hot swoony boys left and right, but can’t seem to shake the mysterious new boy in town, Alfonse. I’m coming to terms with the fact that I might finally be falling for him when DUN DUN DUNNNN I find out that his father is my next target.

Christina: In my  fantasy, I’m a world famous opera star living in Paris. One month before the performance of a lifetime,  a goblin steals my voice, and I have to become a tough-as-nails yet of course still-beautiful street fighter to get it back. On the way I meet a rakish gambler from the other side of the proverbial  world and invent my own form of sign language. Together, we must battle an evil that threatens to silence the world and just maybe, learn what it means to fight for what you love.

Cliché? We don’t care! It’s our fantasy!

DISCLAIMER: please don’t take this as a reflection of our ability to write summaries and/or stories that are not insanely cheesetastic.

So, click that comment button and join the fun.  THE CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! Congratulations, Sherry!

Coming up later this week, our take on Sexuality in YA fiction. One of our favorite topics! Duh. Until then…

